The Abundance Foundation is responding to the crisis in the Horn of Africa by strengthening sustainable food systems through a grant of $50,000 and pledge of an additional $50,000 as a 1:1 challenge grant for the FEED Africa Emergency Fund. This project is conducted in partnership with the FEED Foundation, whose co-founder, Lauren Bush Lauren explains, “this Fund will provide emergency nutrition, support grassroots groups, and work towards the goal of long-term food security while ensuring that 100% of all funds go to organizations working on the ground in East Africa.”
The Abundance Project for Global Health was featured via video at the Clinton Global Initiative session on “Securing Global Nutrition, ” moderated by Nicholas Kristof.
The Abundance Foundation’s ongoing Clinton Global Initiative Commitment is now being expanded to include participation in a Family Medicine Residency and Nurse Training program in St. Marc, Haiti. Working with Partners In Health and Harvard Medical School, this project is nearly tripling the physician and nurse staffing at Hospital St. Nicholas. This is the only major public hospital serving the Lower Artibonite region, the epicenter of the Haitian cholera outbreak.
The Abundance Foundation has initiated a collaboration with Zach Niles, director of Sierra Leone’s Refugee All-Stars, to produce Lakou Mizik, a film exploring Haitian culture and resilience through the music and stories of local musicians. The Abundance Foundation’s previous film, Haiti’s Heroes, premiered at the 2010 Clinton Global Initiative, and highlights the central role of local practitioners in solving Haiti’s most challenging health crises. Dr. Stephen Kahn, president of the Abundance Foundation, believes “art has the power to illuminate social justice issues, make visible the invisible, and permit the deepest expression of the personal effects of injustice, war, and disaster.”
By investing at the intersection of Health, Empowerment, and Arts and Education, the Abundance Foundation is transforming community systems to support healthy individuals. The Abundance Foundation is partnering with visionaries to transform scarcity into abundance.