The Abundance Foundation is pleased to announce that the Harvard Global Health Delivery Project has released 21 teaching case studies examining the principles of health care delivery in resource poor settings. The case studies describe public and private programs delivering treatment, care and prevention for a wide variety of diseases in developing countries, including Haiti, Rwanda and India. The cases and extensive teaching notes are freely accessible worldwide to practitioners, students and educators online on the Harvard Business Press website. We believe this is an important step in strengthening the delivery of care, the ability to replicate and scale success, and the development of a network of global health delivery educators and practitioners. The Abundance Foundation is proud to support this valuable resource.
For more information, please see the press release at http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/new-global-health-delivery-curricula-available-at-no-cost-to-educators-and-students-126316753.html or go towww.ghdonline.org/cases