On July 1, 2020, Abundance Foundation’s President Dr. Stephen Kahn moderated a conversation with Dr. Paul Farmer and Dr. Jim Kim, on overcoming the disparities in our society and health system exposed by COVID-19.
Jim Kim is the former president of the World Bank, co-founder of Partners in Health and — to address the COVID pandemic — special adviser to the Massachusetts Community Tracing Collaborative. Paul Farmer is chair of Harvard Medical School’s Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, co-founder of Partners In Health, and his latest book on the Ebola crisis will be published this fall.
Jim Kim and Paul Farmer have spent a lifetime fighting epidemics, and this conversation is a rare opportunity to hear their frank reflections on our road ahead confronting both COVID-19 itself, and all of the injustice that’s revealed by the pandemic.
Their careers have focused on addressing the social determinants of health, which is central to tackling the overlapping racial, economic, and infectious crises.